
Showing posts from March, 2013

Django Unchained

                        Django Unchained   In Quentin Tarantino’s films over the past ten years, someone horribly wronged plans a bloody revenge against the perpetrators.   In Kill Bill, Uma Thurman pursued five people who had shot her and killed everyone at her wedding rehearsal In a two part story.   In Inglourious Basterds Jewish soldiers killed and scalped villainous Nazis and a major stem of the plot focused on a Jewish girl whose family had been killed by the Nazis planning her revenge against Nazi leadership in a movie theatre.   It was a complex film despite having a straightforward theme and I thought it stood with the best of Tarantino’s work.   It mixed genres but was most memorably an unconventional adventure film.  To give a sense of perspective let me quickly state how I liked other Tarantino films.   Pulp Fiction...