Star Wars Prequels
The Star Wars prequel trilogy, which was one of the most anticipated series of films ever, has become one of the most maligned set of films, mostly by people like myself who grew up watching the original trilogy, when that type of film was completely new. Overall my thoughts are this on the prequel trilogy. The films are technologically superior to the original films but less inspired. The original universe looked lived in whereas this one is much shinier and glossy largely because it was created with digital effects as opposed to practical ones. If the original films take place during the Depression then the prequels are the Roaring 20s. George Lucas has received many nasty comments and has even been the subject of a documentary (The People vs. George Lucas) as a result of the prequel trilogy and also the Indiana Jones film, Kingdom of the Crystal Skull, which he produced as a late entry to the Indiana Jones series. Crystal Skul...