Terminator Series
“Come with me if you want to live” – several characters in the series The Terminator series is an example of a successful film that is strung out for too many entries, which threatens to dilute the original product. I am glad there was never an E.T. 2; Elliot Goes to Space, or a fourth Indiana Jones film (oops, I’ll get back to that series on these days). To me the first two Terminator installments are classic films and the rest have their moments but not the power of those first two. James Cameron, who wrote and directed The Terminator and co-wrote, coproduced and directed Terminator 2; Judgment Day, allegedly had a nightmare of an endoskeleton walking through fire and developed a science fiction film around it. Cameron, a visionary director who sets a budget record on almost every film he makes (T2, True Lies, Titanic, and Avatar), filled two movies with his ideas and then stepped away from the series. A new Terminator film only comes out every seve...