Terminator: Dark Fate
Terminator: Dark Fate is part of a recent trend of retconned sequels. F ranchises sometimes produce a series of sequels that eventually bear little resemblance to the original property. The audience may stop coming and franchise may languish for years. Eventually whoever holds or purchases the rights may bring in someone to right the ship and put things back on track. If a decision is not made to reboot the franchise then the person brought in may opt for a back to basics approach which will involve ignoring the unloved entries and just making a sequel to the first or second story. This approach has been applied repeatedly in recent years in horror franchises like Halloween. Bryan Singer did it with the Superman series. Superman Returns ignored sequels III and IV and just positioned itself as a sequel to I and II. Fans of the Alien franchise were excited years ago when it appeared there might be another sequel that disregarded the event...