Sean Connery films
The late Sir Sean Connery will likely be most remembered as the original James Bond but his work goes far beyond that and any examination of his career should account for his other roles. Starting in 1962, Connery starred in five Bond films in six years, got tired of the role and all the scrutiny that came with it (and of being underpaid for it), started to develop his career with other roles, but returned to Bond twice, in 1971 and 1983. After his last Bond Connery did a lot of films which were either ensemble pieces or films in which he was paired with a younger current star often as a mentor. I will note, I have seen most of Connery’s work in the 1980s and 1990s (except for the Highlander films which never interested me). The only films of Connery’s that I have seen from the 1970s are The Man Who Would Be King, The Offence and Robin and Marian. I still want to see The Andersen Tapes, Wind and the Lion, Murder on the Orient Express, and Cuba. ...