Once Upon a Time in Hollywood
Writer-director Quentin Taratino is back on track with this, his 9th film. Tarantino's previous two films, Django Unchained and The Hateful Eight, had some good moments but I did not find them very rewatchable, especially with their inflated running times. Both films contained some interesting characters and dialogue but focused more on violence and revenge, upsetting the balance from Tarantino's previous films. I enjoy excitement but I prefer it to be wrapped in a story worth of the character dynamics that he excels at. In Once Upon a Time in Hollywood Tarantino tells a story from a positive perspective about the film world he loves so much and he mixes real and fictional characters to tell a little revisionist history. When I first learned that Once Upon a Time in Hollywood would focus on the death of Sharon Tate, I was concerned that Tarantino might sensationalize it or tell some story of her husband Roman Polanski waging war on her killers since Tarantino had been ...